Posts Categorized: Publishing

Iconography for Elementary Cellular Automata Based on Radial Convergence Diagrams

Iconography for Elementary Cellular Automata Based on Radial Convergence Diagrams

Posted by & filed under App, CDF, Code, Demonstrations Project, Mathematica, Publishing, Wolfram.

My recent publication at the Wolfram Demonstrations Project: “Iconography for Elementary Cellular Automata Based on Radial Convergence Diagrams“.   Consider a complete set of initial conditions for a finite elementary cellular automaton (ECA). This set can be indexed by integers using a Gray code or a binary to decimal conversion. During the ECA evolution, the […]

Order, Chaos, and the Formation of a Cantor Set Attractor in Elementary Cellular Automata

Order, Chaos, and the Formation of a Cantor Set Attractor in Elementary Cellular Automata

Posted by & filed under App, CDF, Demonstrations Project, Mathematica, Publishing, Wolfram.

My recent publication at the Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Order, Chaos, and the Formation of a Cantor Set Attractor in Elementary Cellular Automata Consider finite elementary cellular automata (ECA) of size 10. All possible binary vectors of length 10 form a complete set of initial conditions (CSIC). Every step of an ECA evolution maps this set to […]

Time Series and Cobwebs for Arbitrary Recursive Maps on the Unit Interval

Posted by & filed under App, Demonstrations Project, Mathematica, Publishing, Wolfram.

My new publication at the Wolfram Demonstration Project is Time Series and Cobwebs for Arbitrary Recursive Maps on the Unit Interval. Follow the link to view interactive version. Here is an exert from text: “The logistic map is probably the most famous and simplest example of a function from the unit interval onto itself that […]

visibility graph ECA

Horizontal Visibility Graphs for Elementary Cellular Automata

Posted by & filed under App, CDF, Demonstrations Project, Mathematica, Publishing, Widget, Wolfram.

My new publication at the Wolfram Demonstration Project is Horizontal Visibility Graphs for Elementary Cellular Automata. Follow the link to view interactive version. Here is an exert from text: “A time series can be formed from an evolution of a finite elementary cellular automaton (ECA). This can be done in a few different ways. We can […]

Automating xkcd Diagrams: Transforming Serious to Funny

Posted by & filed under Art, CDF, Mathematica, Press, Publishing, Wolfram.

An article I wrote for Wolfram Blog was just released. Here is the beginning: “On early Monday morning I noticed an interesting question posted on Mathematica Stack Exchange titled quite innocently “xkcd-style graphs.” Due to the popularity of Randall Munroe’sxkcd web comic, I expected a bit more than average of about ten or so up-votes, a few bookmarks. Little did I […]