Posts Tagged: Publishing

Iconography for Elementary Cellular Automata Based on Radial Convergence Diagrams

Iconography for Elementary Cellular Automata Based on Radial Convergence Diagrams

Posted by & filed under App, CDF, Code, Demonstrations Project, Mathematica, Publishing, Wolfram.

My recent publication at the Wolfram Demonstrations Project: “Iconography for Elementary Cellular Automata Based on Radial Convergence Diagrams“.   Consider a complete set of initial conditions for a finite elementary cellular automaton (ECA). This set can be indexed by integers using a Gray code or a binary to decimal conversion. During the ECA evolution, the […]

Order, Chaos, and the Formation of a Cantor Set Attractor in Elementary Cellular Automata

Order, Chaos, and the Formation of a Cantor Set Attractor in Elementary Cellular Automata

Posted by & filed under App, CDF, Demonstrations Project, Mathematica, Publishing, Wolfram.

My recent publication at the Wolfram Demonstrations Project: Order, Chaos, and the Formation of a Cantor Set Attractor in Elementary Cellular Automata Consider finite elementary cellular automata (ECA) of size 10. All possible binary vectors of length 10 form a complete set of initial conditions (CSIC). Every step of an ECA evolution maps this set to […]

Automating xkcd Diagrams: Transforming Serious to Funny

Posted by & filed under Art, CDF, Mathematica, Press, Publishing, Wolfram.

An article I wrote for Wolfram Blog was just released. Here is the beginning: “On early Monday morning I noticed an interesting question posted on Mathematica Stack Exchange titled quite innocently “xkcd-style graphs.” Due to the popularity of Randall Munroe’sxkcd web comic, I expected a bit more than average of about ten or so up-votes, a few bookmarks. Little did I […]